Bio-Bus Sampler
We present a “Show and Tell” of samples of animals which move from the simplest to the most complex of living organisms: coral and sponges to insects and mammals. We discuss the animals’ lives, habitat, and defense mechanisms. We share our own stories, and enjoy hearing those from our audience. (Many children in Georgia have been stung by a jellyfish!)
States of Matter
We demonstrate the effects of extremely low temperatures on different materials, usually by dipping bananas and flowers into liquid nitrogen. We also work with “slime”, “oobleck”, and polymers to demonstrate different states of matter.
Where Taught: on the Bio-Bus
# Students: no more than 15 people (children and adults, including babies in back-backs!)
Time needed for presentation: 30 minutes per group for demonstration only, up to 45 minutes if hands-on activities are included. NOTE: Please allow 5-10 minutes between sessions for people to exit and enter the Bus.